Mercedes EQE 500 FIRST DRIVE! Replacement for My Taycan? | WHERE'S SHMEE Part 14

Mercedes EQE 500 FIRST DRIVE! Replacement for My Taycan? | WHERE’S SHMEE Part 14

Solution to the Parking Conundrum

THE DILEMMA The biggest problem about living in residential areas, apartments, in commercial offices, stores, commercial buildings are parking spaces. There is no bigger frustration than coming home after a long day and finding your parking spot occupied by someone else’s car. At that moment, all one wants to do is rip someone’s throat out because let’s accept it; for how long can someone keep writing notes and keep leaving it for the owner to find out and not park in their spot.

Go Green With Proximity Lot Sensors

Proximity sensors which are designed to detect the current state of the occupation of the parking stalls whether single, large or multiple parking areas in both private as well as public parks, are known as parking spot sensors. These parking spot sensors are wireless in nature and detect the occurrence of the vehicles on the stall and then convey this information to the collection of data as well as the transmission control unit. The parking spot sensor is a system that believes in saving energy.

Aftermarket Services

As the aftermarket segment adapts to the connected car ecosystem, subscription-based models and mobile apps are likely to gain prominence. The features and services of these vehicles will also be modeled as aftermarket packages instead of being built-in or sold individually.

How Manufacturing Will Benefit From Total Integration?

Integrated Automation is a strategy in the automation technology developed in 1996. It involves the integration of extensive single components, tools and services to achieve an Automation solution. It is an efficient interoperability of all automation components. The open system architecture spans the entire production process and this offers maximum interoperability across all automation components.

How to Perform a Windshield Repair And Replacement?

If you want to keep your car safe, make sure the windshield of your vehicle is strong enough. The windshield helps ensure the integrity of your car. However, with the passage of time, the windshield fights with harsh weather and other elements.

The SECRET Supercar Collection of Brussels! | WHERE'S SHMEE Part 2

The SECRET Supercar Collection of Brussels! | WHERE’S SHMEE Part 2

Seniors And Loss Of Driver’s License

One of the biggest hits to a senior’s psyche is the loss of a driver’s license. This is because having a driver’s license and car gives us a sense of freedom, freedom to come and go as we please. Even if we don’t go anywhere, knowing we can is enough. Imagine if you lost your driver’s license? How would you deal with that? That’s how a senior feels too, only it’s worse because they know they may never get it back. This thought can lead to depression, anger, and a devastating blow to self-confidence, self-worth, and identity.

Owning a Car Vs Using Rideshare

It is not a secret that buying, owning, and maintaining a car costs a significant amount of money. Especially now, when gas prices are high and continue to increase. What if you could avoid paying as much as you do right now? Even while still getting to where you need to go?

Tips and Tricks for Saving on Auto Insurance

Finding the best auto insurance rates can sometimes be tricky. It is absolutely necessary to be insured on the roads, though. In fact, it is required, by Illinois state law to have coverage. Some find auto insurance to be extremely expensive but, there are ways to help make it more affordable. Here are some things to consider to find the ideal price of insurance.

Distracted Driving Is a Bigger Problem Than We Thought

The numbers do not lie: 37,150 people in the US died due to distracted driving in 2017. But, sadly that is not the worst part of the news. Researchers are finding that there is no single cause to preventing distracted driving.

A New Car Break-In Technique

We live in a fast pace society and that includes technology development. Technology can be a great tool to make our lives much easier in many ways. However, with great technology comes great responsibility. It is easy for technology to consume your life. It is also easy to abuse and misuse the wonders of technology.